About us

Geobusiness & Project Group (GEOBPRO Group) is an advisory group that unites various disciplines to successfully carry out site investigations, city development projects, and business ventures.
The group also conducts research on resilient cities and strategies for mitigating natural hazards.
With strong expertise in project management and a unique approach to geoinformation technology—including mapping in 2D, 3D, and 4D—our consultancy bureau is the ideal partner for your development and project needs.
Our primary approach is "systems thinking." Therefore, in all our feasibility studies, site investigations, reconstruction stages, and city maintenance evaluations, we incorporate risk management to ensure comprehensive solutions.
One of our most noteworthy contributions is the development of 3D methodologies for urban development through the Rotter3Dam project, which has been recognized as a national best practice in The Netherlands.
GEOBPRO Group was founded by:
F. M. Freyre, a former geologist (petrographer) who returned to academia to become a geotechnical advisor and GIS advisor (Geographical Information Management and Application). With over 35 years of experience in geospatial matters, he has served as an advisor at national, regional, and municipal levels. His work includes site investigations for large-section tunnel construction (advanced and support), pipeline layout design, dam construction, road development, and the planning of industrial, residential, and tourist zones—all under the philosophy of "working with nature" (LinkedIn profile).
GEOBPRO Group also operates a department dedicated to supporting sustainable development—the Aid Department for Sustainable Development (DADOS, Departamento de Ayuda para el Desarrollo Sostenible). For more information, please consult the DADOS tab on our website.
Currently, F. M. Freyre H. serves as a geotechnical advisor and GIS advisor for Public Works in Rotterdam. Simultaneously, he manages his own consultancy bureau, focusing on urban and industrial planning, climate change, and business development.
GEOBPRO Group is a partner of "Energy for them".